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Thursday December 23, 2004

Search Results for Russian women Age 40-45

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# 1134

Age: 42
Occupation: Hairdresser
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Let this letter will be the beginning of our strong, sincere relations. Let me to tell a little about itself. Now I live in Italy, in small town Varkaturo, near Neapol. I help the Italian families in housekeeping, and also I carry out work of the hairdresser(barber) in-home. On a sign on the zodiac I Am left, but I have completely not "lion's" character, and on the contrary, quiet and counterbalanced. Children speak, that I very wise and gentle mum, patient and I am for them the good friend. I think it so because I have many friends, easily I communicate with people of different age and with various interests. I am able to listen attentively. I very much love children and relatives.
A bicycle for me it both sports, and means of transportation since I live in a small town near the sea. Earlier I was engaged in gymnastics and equestrian sport. Due to an active way of life and today I have a harmonous, tightened figure. Very much I love animals. At home at me the fine red cat lives.
In the evenings to me to like to read interesting female magazines, news since always I want to be informed in world events. I am able to sew very well. I love different music and films. I am the person of versatile sights. Perfectly I speak in Italian.

I dream to have strong amicable family where would reign kind mutual relations between loving people and their native. I shall surround you and people close to you with love, kindness and care.
When we shall meet you, you find out me much better because on a paper it is impossible to transfer all that you feel and keep inside yourself.
This surprising feeling when you give the loved person that best that you have: time, the soul, the ideas, and in exchange the understanding, respect and, probably give to you, love. I dream and I believe, that in one fine day it will take place. On this note I shall finish the letter - to our acquaintance I have made a first step, now your turn. I wait for your answer.
Yours faithfully, Alina Odariuk

# 1133

Age: 42
Occupation: Teaching
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It seems to me, that you very interesting person. And you that the man which is necessary for me. I think, that you the same as also I, dream of amicable and strong family, about kind and pure(clean) attitudes(relations), you also would like care, caress and heat. I very much want, that you were that the man which I could like, kiss and caress, care and be with it(him) gentle. I dream, that we with you became the present friends that could conduct sometimes in the evenings confidential Conversations behind a cup of tea or behind a glass fault.
I hope, that we with you shall be sincere; we shall try to speak to each other the truth. Believe me, to speak the truth much more easy, than to deceive. I believe, that you that the man which can understand me, and I that woman who will understand you. I not only shall manage you to understand, I shall manage you to excuse and support.
Let me to tell a little about itself. My name is Nadejda Shevchenko. To me 42 years, growth of 163 sm, weight of 54 kg. At me an eye of color of the sea: they are blue, grey and green, but always they kind and affable. I very badly turn out on a photo; in a life I am much better.
I work at school as the teacher of the Ukrainian language. I like children, and they mischievous persons like me. I like to be among people, to communicate with them, to be good for them. Let it sounds grandiloquently, but I like to be a few angel (to be good for someone). I have already adult daughter, she student Krivorozhskogo of economic institute, she studies at faculty of the international economy. She the cleverest and most beautiful girl on the Earth. And now, when I write the letter, my daughter reads in the original (in English) " Carried away by a wind ".
We like with a daughter to travel. We like theatre and cinema. To tell the truth, recently she prefers the company of the friends, than my campaign more.
I like to learn all new, novel, to me changes are not terrible. All new to me - a riddle which is to be solved. I was born in an atmosphere of Twins, and sometimes to myself I seem weak and defenceless and it would be desirable, that me protected, cherished and caressed, and sometimes I am strong and exacting, persevering and purposeful. But I always Cheerful, do not lose belief in the light future. I know that after a black strip the white strip will always come, and the life will seem light and joyful.
I very much want, that you were happy, that we were happy, and I shall try to make all for this purpose. I shall fill your house colors, music and laughter. I do not know as there will be our life, but I can precisely promise one to you, with me to you it will be never boring.
Recently I could talk to one old man; to him it was executed 91 year. He for a long time told to me about the life. But me the episode when he spoke about the wife was remembered. More correctly how his wife died, holding his hand in the hand and with gratitude looked him in the face. I for some reason want, that and I had all so. That I could say: Only with you I did not have grief... " And if you want to come back home and sink with pleasure in my embraces, write to me.

I search simply good for the man, active, sociable, reliable. Age from 45 till 55 years. If you want, I can give birth to you to the son or the daughter. I shall answer only the detailed serious letter.

# 1129

Age: 43
Occupation: Sales
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Hi! Let this letter becomes bridge between our hearts. I have decided to make first steps to be with you besided always. Probably, you as well as I dream of strong family, cosy, pure, convenient, quiet house, warm and kind relations, care and love.
My name is Potapova Nataly. To me 40 years, growth 165 sm, weight of 58 kg. I was born in the perfect morning of January 21, 1961. At me kind, gentle brown eyes, elastic figure: a beautiful breast and narrow waist. I have a rich, long hair. I love to do to myself different hairdresses. I have brought up the perfect son, which at the given moment serves in army. Name the son Vitaliy, him 19 years. He has finished an auto technical school with distinction and is going to act in university, him interest computers and automobiles. He the executive, kind and obedient boy. We together spend a lot of time and we go on a nature, we are engaged with the tax of medicinal grass. I on a specialty manicure, and in the given time work as the seller. At home at us the ideal order and the son helps me. We live in the large city Krivoy Rog on Ukraine.
Me the parents brought up in severity and taught to be always honour and decent, therefore in me there are no harmful habits and deceit. And in the people I appreciate these qualities. In me a lot of not spent energy, tenderness and love is saved. I graceful and beautiful young woman, am complete of forces, feelings and caress. On character I the kind man and difficult minute is necessary stretch a hand of the help. I patient, kind, cheerful, love humour, not vindictive. I don't like to complain about life, because while one complains, his/her life goes by, and I don't want to waste the precious moments of my life.
By my nature I am a jovial and cheerful person. I hate rudeness, hypocrisy and pessimism. A human life is too short, so it seems to me that one should try to have more bright and beautiful things in it. This beauty depends on each of us. Of course in every person's life sometimes there are gloomy moments also, but learning to overcome them, you sense the beautiful side of life more deeply. For me this beautiful side is about sincerity of human relations, their purity and love. For there is only one thing harder than love- it is the absence of love. I consider myself as the good mother and I shall be the perfect wife. If you want, I can present you the daughters. I easily cope with home businesses, I love cookery, furnace pies, to preserve. I love to grow flowerses and animals. I not the requiring.
I like to prepare and to meet holidays. My hobby the automobile, I love to go behind a rudder and me all is pleasant in life: I love to knit, to go in theatre, circus, park, museums, on ballet, walk on a nature. I love to listen to music classical, popular, organ. In the summer I love to have a rest by the sea and to go in a wood. I love to read B.Gyugo, À.Dyuma, À.Kuprin, À.Pushkin, M.Tsvetaeva. As to cinema, I love animated cartoons, comedies, historical, detectives and melodramas. On my sight group ÀÂÂÀ best. My light-blue dream to get in Paris. From sports I love synchronous navigation, figured driving.

I dream to meet kind, quiet high, serious man. I am not looking for a penfriend or short term relationship. I am looking for a very good life partner who can understand me. I hope my letter will help you to know me more. I am interesting to know more about you. I shall do everything, that you have not regretted about the choice. I shall wait very much from you of the detailed letter and photo. I shall not disappoint you.
With tenderness, Nataly.

# 1116

Age: 42
Occupation: Technologist
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Now I live in Italy, in small town Varkaturo, near Neapol. I help the Italian families in housekeeping, and also I carry out work of the hairdresser(barber) in-home. On a sign on the zodiac I Am left, but I have completely not "lion's" character, and on the contrary, quiet and counterbalanced. Children speak, that I very wise and gentle mum, patient and I am for them the good friend. I think it so because I have many friends, easily I communicate with people of different age and with various interests. I am able to listen attentively. I very much love children and relatives. A bicycle for me it both sports, and means of transportation since I live in a small town near the sea. Earlier I was engaged in gymnastics and equestrian sport. Due to an active way of life and today I have a harmonous, tightened figure. Very much I love animals. At home at me the fine red cat lives. In the evenings to me to like to read interesting female magazines, news since always I want to be informed in world events. I am able to sew very well. I love different music and films. I am the person of versatile sights. Perfectly I speak in Italian.

I dream to have strong amicable family where would reign kind mutual relations between loving people and their native. I shall surround you and people close to you with love, kindness and care. This surprising feeling when you give the loved person that best that you have: time, the soul, the ideas, and in exchange the understanding, respect and, probably give to you, love. I dream and I believe, that in one fine day it will take place. I shall answer only serious, detailed letter.

# 1112

Age: 41
Occupation: Philologist
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I really look ten years younger my age. I have everything to make man happy. As I was told by men, who knew me, I am a good wife, which any man will be proud of: loving and carrying, loyal and faithful, with kind, soft, calm character, warm-hearted, with nice face and figure, good education, honest, sincere, intelligent and romantic, tender, very female and elegant. But I did not meet man who is MY man. There are less men in Russia, then women, and those who exist are often not good, that’s why I look in another country. I look for connections for marriage only, to find a life partner for a stable life with whom I can live till the end of my life. I am marriage minded, not emancipated, with traditional moral values. Love and husband are on the first place for me. I am a woman devoted only to one man, one-man-woman. I look for the man whom I can give my love and devotion I have in my heart. I am developed person with many interests. People usually like me and find charming and attractive woman and nice interesting person. Most of all I like traveling and nature and prefer to live in a house with garden because I like nature and gardening. I am interested in all aspects of art and culture, in learning other cultures and other countries. Also I like reading, theatre, painting, house design, photo and video recording. I write poems and memories about my life and traveling, published a book of poetry, have publications in magazines. I live in Moscow. I know English language good and you will not have problems in communication with me.

I look for the man age 39-57, honest, serious, reliable, marriage minded man, kind and intelligent, professional, living alone, able to love woman, take care of her and treat her good, respects woman, who understand marriage not as being happy himself, but making happy woman, who wants to travel and to live in a house with garden.

# 1103

Age: 41
Occupation: Philologist
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I really look ten years younger my age. I have everything to make man happy: I am a good wife, loving and carrying, loyal and faithful, with kind, soft, calm character, warm-hearted, with nice face and figure, good education, honest, sincere, intelligent and romantic, tender, very female and elegant. I am developed person with many interests, marriage minded, not emancipated, with traditional moral values. Love and husband are on the first place for me. I am a woman devoted only to one man, one-man-woman. I look for the man whom I can give my love and devotion I have in my heart. People usually like me and find me attractive as a woman and as a person, pleasant and interesting to communicate with. I look for connections for marriage only, to find a life partner for a stable life with whom I can live till the end of my life. Most of all I like traveling and nature and prefer to live in a house with garden because I like nature and gardening. Also I like reading, theatre, painting, house design, photo and videorecording. I write poems and memories about traveling, published a book of poetry, have publications in magazines. I live in Moscow.

I look for the man age 38-60, honest, serious, reliable, marriage minded man, kind and intelligent, professional, living alone, able to love woman, take care of her and treat her good, respects woman, who understand marriage not as being happy himself, but making happy woman, who wants to travel and wants to live in a house with garden.

# 1044

Age: 42
Occupation: Teacher of history
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Very much I like to read, and at my work it to not do without. Good music helps to relax: Queen, Sting and guitars music. To prepare not so I like, but if I am taken for business it turns out absolutely even not bad. Character quiet, fervent, always pro a good joke. And still I have treasured dream - to travel on the world, since the sun, the sea and sand - without what I do not think of a life.

Age - 38-50. A color of skin, eyes, hair and height doesn't matter. I think, that my future boyfriend should have sense of humour. To be self - control. Between us there should be a mutual understanding.

# 1035

Age: 40
Occupation: Administrator
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My nice dream is to find my someone special. I am an active, pretty, social, communicative, kind, witty, with a good sense of humour, not wicked, practical. I like to cook, to read, to travel, to go shopping, to swim, to plant flowers in the garden. I have many interests and I am very open-minded. I enjoy good company and sharing my experience with other people. I enjoy being active, and am constantly seeking ways to improve myself.

In my opinion the partners should love and respect each other, be faithful and take care of each other. The man should be able to provide for his family, allowing for intimate time together as well as time for the entire family. It is important to have similar interests and hobbies and to enjoy the society of each other. I am looking for an honest, caring, strong, gentle, open-minded man who is also searching for a mate.

# 1019

Age: 41
Occupation: Consultant of cosmetics
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People speak about me, that I incredibly strong woman. But I know it and I feel. I easily cope with any vital situations, but the small, naughty, defenceless girl who waits for the owned affectionate and favourite, caring friend lives in depth of my soul.
I am very sensitive and emotional, kind, cheerful, simple and completely not exacting. I feel that in me a volcano of not spent energy and love. I would like to present my favourite person with all that good that is in me.

Own half I present the in the age of from 40 till 56 years, with the refined soul, intelligent, affectionate, with gentle Character, caring, wishing to make friends with my remarkable children. I shall answer only serious, detailed letters.

# 1006
Olga Dvornikova

Age: 43
Occupation: Employee
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I work as an employee. I like music to listen and watch TV. Very much I love the sea. Always wanted to live at the sea. From domestic has put I like to be engaged in knitting on spokes and I like to bake a pie "Napoleon". My daughter has already grown. At her the owned friends, owned interests, and I cannot live alone. So I want to have clever, dependable and generous man in my future life to go with him on life-path hand in hand. I want to feel happy in strong man's hands and I can promise... No, I promise I'll be the best mistress and wife for my husband in the world. I hope one day my dreams become a reality. I understand, that I not most beautiful girl in world, but very much can be, that in me the plenty of the not spent tenderness and love is saved.

Looking for a simply good person who can be respected and which too can respect.

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