Thursday October 28, 2004



  • Age : 26
  • Height : 164 cm
  • Weight : 64 kg
  • Color of eyes: Blue
  • Hair : Blonde
  • Children : None
  • Marital Status : Single
  • Profession: Manager
  • Languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian
  • Education: Average


I am not scared any more…… You know I am not scared any more.. Not scared to live, to breeze, to smile and to feel the life around us. I am not scared to look funny or to be laughed at.. There is no fear in being open. I do not feel unease to write this letter to you and am not scared that you do not look in it immediately. Most of the people here write that they have visited this page only by chance, by mistake or without any aim. I do not think that it is the true but I know that they are scared to tell you and everybody and even to themselves that they are lonely and nobody cares for them. It does not depend upon who they are, where they live, or what dreams they have. Everybody feels lonely unhappy if there is no other half found. You can laugh, love and think that you are happy in this plastic world with the plastic feelings, standards and emotions. But try, once in your life to be true to yourself and look inside your soul, feel this loneliness inside the crowds of people, cry when you want to do it, love when you feel it, do stop thinking about worthwileness of the deed to be taken- act now!!! In the world where two loving people come to wash their fears in public during TV shows- there is no place for the passion and freedom.

I have enough admires and decent people around but none of them compares to you. No one has even the chance to be seen, felt or loved as you are. Your strength, your mind, your passion, your deeds, your power…..nothing compares to you. I am not afraid if you admit me stupid or ugly. I am not even scared to answer to everybody around the Earth as I know that if even it takes me long you could also by chance or because of the loneliness or as it is dull, may be by mistake but do read this letter to you. I know that you are, somewhere, may be too close to me and I can feel your breath. I am not scared if you say full of anger or disaster “ What the right she has to write to me!!!”- may be only I have this right in all the world to write to you now. May be we were living blind and could not see each other and there is a chance, the ray of Sun appears in the sky for you to lit the road to me.

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