Friday August 20, 2004

Elena Timofeeva


  • Age : 43
  • Height : 164 cm
  • Weight : 57 kg
  • Color of eyes: Brown
  • Hair : Black
  • Children : Daughter age 15
  • Marital Status : Divorced
  • Profession: Interpreter
  • Languages: Russian, English
  • Education: High


There is something I would like to tell you about my character though it’s not an easy task to judge about yourself. You can be either too strict or too indulgent. I hope I’m intelligent and interesting to talk to. I really appreciate a good conversation when people can exchange their points of view. I’m sure that in relationship between a man and a woman communication is one of the most essensial things. If there’s no communication there cannot be relations. I think I have a good taste. It’s a pleasure for me to look good, to decorate home for the holidays and just to give everything that surrounds me the special touch that only a woman has. I hate cleaning but I do it because I hate dust and dirt even more. I’m fun-loving and cheerful. I love life with all its colors. I try to find something positive in the most unpleasant fact. I’m an optimist and for me the cup is always half full. My friends assure that I’m determined. I guess they are right as once I understood it’s possible to reach the goal I always try to do it. Though I’m impatient for success I never give up if it takes more time than I expected. New obsticles give me more strength and energy to overcome them. I’m even inclined to think that my determination sometimes turns into obstinacy. I like to do many things. I have much fun to meet with my friends. It’s important for me to keep in touch with them. I enjoy to spend time at home and outdoors and I always have something to be busy with. Obviously I’m an active person : - ) I like visiting new places, meeting other people, getting fresh impressions and learning the things I didn’t know before. I like nature. Its beauties always make me more romantic. Therefore I enjoy travelling. It’s a great chance to have everything at once : - ) What I love most of all is to spend time with my family at home ( unfortunately now when my elder daughter lives apart it happens rarely ). You can have a nice dinner together, speak to each other, watch a good comedy. Or you can just sit and listen to the roar of the wind outside and be happy that you are warm, home and among the people that you love. And you need no words to explain how you feel because they know it. Being that close spiritually is an exceptionally precious thing.

I could be completely contented with my life if I were not missing something or I would rather say somebody. I search for the life-time partner who I will love, trust and respect and who is looking for the same. Someone who is faithful, communicative, romantic, with a sense of humor. Looks and age are less importannt than love, understanding and security. Once the Lord gave us different languages, cultures, countries. But we share one thing... Love for which we strive. Love that we need to build a happy family which is a peak of human relations given to us in this world. I’m searching for the chance to realise my dream of the unity of heart, soul and mind between two people. I have so much love, tenderness and care I want to give!

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