
Thursday October 03, 2002

Natasha Ivanova


  • Age : 24
  • Height : 5' 8"
  • Weight : 128 lb
  • Color of eyes: Blue
  • Hair : Russet
  • Children : None
  • Marital Status : Never married
  • Profession: Medical Doctor (surgeon)
  • Languages: Russian, English
  • Education: University


My name is Natasha Ivanova. Born and raised in the Moscow region, I live with my mom in an apartment here. I chose medicine as a profession, have done well in my training and internship, and am now a practicing surgeon.

As you would guess, my life so far has been mostly study and work. I make friends pretty easily and enjoy those I have, but I haven't met the right guy nor have I had the extra time to really circulate and find him.

And maybe he's not here, anyway. Life in Russia is hard, and our men are under a lot of stress to succeed and provide in an economy where none of that is easy. In too many cases they just can't maintain a warm, loving, partner relationship - the kind of thing a man and wife deserve from each other. It gets lost in the pressure of just making ends meet and facing an uncertain future.

So I'm looking to the US or perhaps western Europe. I know other Russian ladies who have done so and it's worked out well. Maybe there I'll find a man who, while happy in his life, realizes it can be so much more with a warm, intelligent, active, cultured, loving woman.

Me, for example! Whose own dream is to find a man with whom I can just be happy all the time - no matter what we're doing. A man both respectful and worthy of respect. A man who is capable and serious about the big things, but still young at heart, open, and generous of himself. Most of all, a man who sees and loves the good things in his wife, and so helps her to be his best friend. Then we'll be a great couple and later... we'll make a great family.

Practically - I see him as a cultured, professional man, Caucasian, no older than his early forties, with no children, and a healthy non-smoker.

Interests? Yes, they're important to share. Like most Russians I'm a big reader, with some knowledge of the classics in both literature and music. And I enjoy good pop music. I am a city girl... I like the country too, but I know that I wouldn't be happy in a remote location or a real small town. Aside from that I'm pretty open to other cultures and ways. I've travelled very little and would like to do more.

As for languages... we won't have much trouble communicating. My own English is not fluent (this text was fixed up by a friend of mine) but it is serviceable.

That's it for my intro... If you think we might have possibilities, please write! Tell me the important things about yourself, and do include a photo.


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