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BB Code
You can use BB Code, a simplified version of HTML, in your posts to create certain effects.

[b]Text here[/b]   Text here (Bold Text)

[i]Text here[/i]   Text here (Italicized Text)

[u]Text here[/u]   Text here (Underlined Text)

http://www.php.net   http://www.php.net (Link, automatically tags it, no code required)

[email][email protected][/email]   [email protected] (E-Mail Link)

[quote]Text here[/quote]  
Text Here
(Quoted Text)

[img]http://www.php.net/gifs/php_logo.gif[/img]   (Image)

[img height=200 width=200]http://www.php.net/gifs/php_logo.gif[/img]   (Resized Image)

[color=red]This color is red[/color]   This color is red (Colored Text)

[size=3]This font size is 3[/size]   This font size is 3 (Sized Text)

[font=Tahoma]This font is Tahoma[/font]   This font is Tahoma (Different Font to Default)

[align=Center]This is centered[/align]  

This is centered

(Aligned Text)


User Ranks
Based on the number of posts you have, you are assigned to a rank. Each rank has its own status and its own amount of stars. Below are the user rank settings for this board:

Newbie 1 Posts
Junior Member 2 Posts
Member 100 Posts
Senior Member 500 Posts
Posting Freak 1000 Posts

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